What's keeping you up? War for Talent How to Compete Company Culture Technology Achieve More With Less Change Management

Post Covid it is becoming apparent that the status quo is no longer viable and that you need guidance on how to initiate change at the organizational level

Modern Work Strategy Course


Concerned about your workers plans to look for a new job this year?

Are you a reluctant participant in the looming ‘war for talent.’  You’re experiencing a symptom where the solution involves a MUCH larger organizational transformation.

The modern workplace is evolving rapidly, today’s employees can work from anywhere in the world. The competition to attract and retain top talent is defining your companies viability.

“A Modern Work Culture is not something you can buy. You must coax it into existence.”
John Jahns, Chief Transformational Officer

How can you stand out and compete when...

Employees can find their next job anywhere in the world, collaborate more effectively with colleagues and work efficiently logging-in from wherever they want.

New hires are excited by the opportunity to work at a top company.

But if they don’t have the most effective workspace, technology, environment, culture,  autonomy, they become disillusioned and will look elsewhere.

Each department within an organization has its' own silo of concern

For companies to keep pace and stay relevant they must digitally transform. Creating a holistic modern operating model (next generation operating model) is a possibility for those that have a good plan.

What should we work on? 
What should we do first? 
What are others doing?
What will bring us the most? 
Is this the best for our company? 
Shall we have a second look at other options?
Organizational analysis paralysis sets in. 
How will you overcome and innovate?

Office Atrium

Modern Work Strategy


Modern Work Strategys’ Chief Transformation Officer, John Jahns, has led companies to substantial increases in productivity, talent retention, company attractiveness; defining modern workspaces and office space requirements; defining modern and digital solutions; defining modern cultures and change to achieve a holistic modern operating model.

Our experience includes over 800 personal workshops, for companies ranging from 2,000 to 40,000 employees.

The Scope of our Modern Work Strategy approach involves

People & Culture

People are the source of your innovations. Your ability as an organization to attract and retain talent is key to your survival. We help you craft a workplace & culture conducive for top talent.


Aligning the places you work with the people, culture, trends and differences in your company create a synergetic effect which enables inspired productivity.


We need technology to amplify our inspirations as productively as possible. The technology you choose can inspire or demoralize. We advise on the choices you need to make.


Our quick win approach will help you make space: stop doing the unnecessary. You can start with what you have! Build alliances, win over colleagues by speaking their language and help them achieve their goals.

Change Management

PROSCI Change Management awareness will give you the fundamental tools to control this change company wide. From communicating to resistance management, coaching to training, there are many levers which enable you to listen, adjust, and steer your change.

John Jahns

“Technology is an amazing tool which magnifies our abilities, but a tool none the less. Creating modern work places, cultures, processes, programmatic motions to digitally transform each person and company to find its modern work strategy, is what drives me.”

John Jahns is a Chief Transformation Officer with a decade of successful experience in digital transformation. John specializes in digital transformation from a holistic perspective; bringing human resources, public relations, operations, and IT all into a holistic transformation strategy. He is a strong believer in tribal leadership and innovation. In his personal time he can be found on bike rides along rivers or enjoying a good Sci-Fi binge.

“JJ is an inspiring thought leader in the area of collaboration and state-of-the-art technologies. I have enjoyed every single interaction and I have always appreciated his momentum and guidance.”

– Dirk Ramhorst, CDO/CIO, Wacker Chemie

The Course

FUNDAMENTALS MASTERCLASS: A MODERN WORK STRATEGY is the key to success in our digital world. This is for companies that recognize digital transformation has to come from a holistic perspective. Our Fundamentals Program initiates the journey for your organization.  Our Founding Member Level offering significant growth prospects is Now Available. 

Define your Role in this highly visible Change Process. 

Bring the right stakeholders onboard to enact change at this level. Make everyone look great.

We give you the criteria with which to measure where you are and where you have to get to.

Decide on your organizational Collaboration Platform and Technologies from the myriad of choices our there. This will  keep you agile, competitive & highly productive.

Tap into our experience as a ProSci Change Management Consultant for ways to structure this within your organization.

Enact Key Initiatives to gain momentum and results.  Propel the next phase of your Modern Work Strategy. This is designed kickoff an immediate improvement in agility and attractiveness to talent both external and internal.

Creating a Modern Work Strategy without help is challenging. Speaking the right language with all different stake holders is key to building alliances.

In the “Fundamentals Masterclass: Modern Work Strategy” course you gain this insight and start to build your Modern Work Strategy.

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