It’s an amazing time to hire talent of caliber!

Many say that they can’t find the right talent.

We are at a crossroads in the future of work, where people are choosing what industries and companies they work in, according to their beliefs and cultures that inspire and motivate them. 

Sometimes referred to as the great resignation or the great talent reshuffle. 

Like the stock market, volatility is a time of great loss or gain, depending on how prepared a company is. 

It’s an amazing time to grab and retain talent, take market share from those who are unprepared, bring CAPEX to OPEX, automate operations, increase the leverage of talent; but companies need to be prepared.

Many companies say that they are hemorrhaging talent, and that they can’t find anyone to fill their positions. 

Now there may be a recession coming, hiring freezes are in place and downsizing may be next. 

“But we still must meet output and impact goals.”

So, what’s the strategy here? How do companies stay agile and flexible, achieving more with less, in the face of a looming recession?

How about:

Transferring CAPEX to OPEX (i.e., hardware), use the financial breathing room to upskill workers, invest in real cultural transformation, leverage the PR from that transformation to attract the talent you want, and use automation to scale.

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