Working 10 years at Microsoft and digitally transforming dozens of multi-national organizations from 5,000-40,000 employees has given me a unique skillset to coach organizations effectively.

I enable individuals, teams and organizations to achieve more through innovation and transformation.

Hi, I’m John Jahns, and I help leaders create a cohesive and holistic approach to a Modern Work Strategy (Business Innovation and Transformation, aka Digital Transformation).

This includes:

  • structuring a critical mass of key stakeholders,
  • digitally transforming core technologies,
  • managing the change needed to get your talent to use those technologies which scale their impact,
  • upskilling your talent to have even more impact,
  • enabling your employees to work from anywhere,
  • enabling operations metrics to incorporate work from anywhere,
  • engraining a digital culture to accelerate agile operations & continuous optimization,
  • HR & PR strategies to retain & attract talent of caliber,
  • and creating a holistic modern workplace.

I’ve seen clients go from frustrated and basically stalling in their transformation to being completely excited to be moving forward with a few adjustments to their strategy.

I’m here to make that happen.

I’m a modern work expert, not from the IT side but from the business side. These strategies, although different, overlap, and have been known by different names:

  • next generation operating model,
  • digital transformation,
  • future of work,
  • modern work,
  • business innovation,
  • unified business model,
  • the list goes on.

The simple fact is that business as usual is dead. Disruption is the new normal. And adjusting to this new paradigm is challenging. 

The first go to is usually technology, and the belief that this will be their saving grace. It’s very important, but it’s only part of the solution.

Having coached and consulted dozens of multi-national companies with 10s of thousands of employees, as well as hundreds of other enterprise companies, one common theme emerges. It’s not always clear what moves ‘us’ forward. It’s not time, technology, fame, or glory. Its people.

People are innovative, that’s why we call them talent. Technology is an innovation but has the capability to scale talent massively. Technology isn’t innovative in & of itself. The trick is, getting the right talent to use scalable technology in the right way for your purpose.

Think of it this way; A commercial airplane is a marvel of engineering (and a credit to what mankind is capable of).

It is utterly useless without the talent of a skilled pilot. The skill of that pilot is directly correlated to how well that plane (your business) will fly.

The complexity that we are confronted with at work is approaching the intricacy of being a pilot. From the backend systems, to digital skills everyone needs, standard operating procedures, privacy standards, legal standards, and so much more.

The proposal to “transform” a business from all the aspects I mentioned would be like changing the engines of a commercial airplane mid-flight. Continue to do business, while increasing margin, market share and profits…while fundamentally and holistically transforming a company (changing engines).

It requires extra teams (change managers and project managers), all its captains (CxOs), pilots (Sr. Management), flight attendants (Middle Management) and passengers (employees) to work in tandem.

What’s at stake? Survival. Staying relevant. COVID has taught us that life is fleeting. 40% of employees are going to change jobs in 2023. They are looking for work-life-balance and a purpose which they believe in at work. Will they find that at your company? Will they stay? Will those who are looking apply?

It’s so important to remember that technology can be bought much cheaper and quicker than talent can be won and trained. THEY are the talent! THEY are #innovative! Technology, which is essential, is only a static innovation in time.

How are you retaining and attracting the “pilots” you want and need?

Creating a Modern Work Strategy is unique every time. It depends on the company, industry, technology, resources, the list goes on. But the journey mostly starts the same way. Financial difficulties, loss of competitiveness, operational inefficiencies, etc., these trigger a search to solve a problem.

I’ve presented the Fundaments of a Modern Work Strategy thousands of times to clients and coached them for months & years after. I wondered how I could deliver this more effectively and affordably, as the one-on-one presenting and coaching cost is approaching 10s of thousands of dollars.

🙂 Introducing the – Fundamentals Masterclass: A Modern Work Strategy

This course is designed to be taken at your own pace. Our community allows you to exchange ideas or search for them. In one-on-one, or one-to-few, coaching sessions we drill down and look at your specific challenges and create the best strategy to accelerate your competitiveness.

I love coaching, consulting & creating these strategies, and did this with enterprise companies at Microsoft for 10 years, and I look forward to doing this with you.

Ready to take some market share from others 🙂 Reach out to me via the chat bubble below.

And be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, newsletter and LinkedIn for new episodes and top of mind articles.

Best of luck in this rapidly changing world!

A modern work culture is not something you can buy.

You must coax it into existence.

~ John Jahns

More than 10 Years
of Experience

I work with ambitious leaders who want their future to be successful and help them achieve extraordinary outcomes.


of satisfied enterprise customers


digital transformation strategies

My mission

Technology is the great equalizer, for those who can wield it. But technology does not stand alone – it is a way for people to be better, faster and more effective.

I am an evangelist by heart. Explaining technology in a way that amuses, motivates, sparks discussions in people; this is my way of customer focus so that they can take technology and create opportunities.

Technology is only an innovation…People are innovative. Coaching people to use technology as effectively as possible is one of my core motivators.

Motivating others and molding a positive digital culture, creates a force multiplier, which is what sets companies apart from the rest in their industry, and are then seen as best places to work.

Each business needs to find that sweet spot between talent, culture, space, and technology. This is where people produce and innovate the fastest. It also happens to increase high caliber talent acquisition and retention.

Being creative and having dreams is important but we need excellent teams, motivation, dedication, and technology to make these things happen at scale.

These are the things that drive me, motivate me…this is my passion. And I have been fortunate to have found it.

Through my coaching, consulting, courses and workshops; I enable individuals, teams and organizations to achieve more through innovation and transformation.

Follow me on YouTube and LinkedIn.

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