Holistic transformation

Looking for a First-Class Digital Transformation Consultant?

Business as usual is dead


Business as usual is dead. Digital Transformation is much more than the digital part, it has everything to do with transformation. Transformation of People & Culture, Places and Technology.



Brining clarity to the right people in an organization is key. Creating that clear vision at the top creates alignment and unified purpose.


Each strategy is unique, tailored to the pain points, situation, industry, and resources at hand. Finding a win-win-win strategy is how to stay ahead of the curve.

What we do for you

Our core offer is creating a holistic digital transformation strategy to stay ahead in this rapidly changing world.

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Talent Retention & Attraction

More than 40% of employees will change their jobs in the next 12 months. From the Great Resignation, to the Great Attrition, to Quiet Quitting, its an amazing time to attract and retain the talent you want.

Modern Workplace

Being capable of working from anywhere is one of the cornerstones to productivity, impact, talent retention, talent attraction in this new normal. This has a few parts to it, technological, operational, cultural, policies, etc.

Change Management

We consider all the drivers of change – from the ground up and we’ll motivate and support you to make the change.

Digital Culture

Creating a Digital Culture within an organization is one of the main ways to perpetually scale all aspects of your organization. The culture becomes engrained and applied to every aspect of a business.

Upskilling at Scale and Digital Development Consulting

Change is happening faster than ever before. Programatic Upskilling and Digital Development coupled with a digital culture is part of the foundation of successful organizations moving forward.

Digital Transformation

Modernizing core technologies is essential for the future...so is getting people to use it. This shift is fundamental to every organization moving forward.

Thought Leadership

Business as usual is dead. Even the smallest teams with the right combination of skills in depth and breadth can take on large enterprise corporations.

Technology is the great equalizer, but only for those who can wield it.


satisfied enterprise customers

with 5,000+ employees from all around the world.


of satisfied enterprise customers


of digital transformation strategies


years of experience

in a number of industries.


Our core offer is creating a holistic digital transformation strategy to stay ahead in this rapidly changing world.

To name a few, this includes, modernizing core technology, building a digital culture, change management, optimizing HR, using PR internal & external, as well as modernizing office spaces.

An awesome question! Depending on the direction and strategy you want to take, it can be very short, a few weeks or months.

Holistic change however, can take years and are layered in technology, HR, PR and operational changes. It really all depends on your need, resources and ability to transform.

The Quiet Quitting phenomenon isn’t new, it was called “coasting” years ago. It points to burnout, cultural issues, lack of support, an absence of empathy training and/or mental health programs within a company.

The best approach is to get an expert to evaluate your specific situation.


News & Events

  • The ‘I Quit’ trend, just won’t quit.

    40% of workers surveyed by McKinsey are thinking about leaving their job in the next 3-6 months. Many companies are trying to address the issues but are coming up short. In many cases it’s too little too late. There are many solutions. Bonus, recognition, awards, benefits, 4-day work week, culture change, tools to make work

    July 15, 2022
  • People are innovative. Tech is an innovation.

    Software, hardware and digital transformation are a very important part of the calculus, but they are only an innovation. People are innovative. The caliber that companies can attract and retain over the next 10 years will make and break many. Think of it this way; A commercial airplane is a marvel of engineering (and a

    July 2, 2022
  • It’s an amazing time to hire talent of caliber!

    Many say that they can’t find the right talent. We are at a crossroads in the future of work, where people are choosing what industries and companies they work in, according to their beliefs and cultures that inspire and motivate them.  Sometimes referred to as the great resignation or the great talent reshuffle.  Like the

    June 27, 2022
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